Monday, September 27, 2021

‘东洋参’美誉的瘦身、降血脂~牛蒡粉 Burdock Root Powder

‘东洋参’美誉的瘦身、降血脂~牛蒡 Burdock Root
 Health Benefits: Diuretic and laxative, relieve fatigue, enhance memory

Inhibit high blood pressure: The roots of burdock are rich in cellulose, which can reduce the sodium content in the blood and achieve the effect of lowering blood pressure.

Lower blood sugar: rich water-soluble fiber can help the body absorb excess sugar

Skin care and weight loss: In addition to anti-oxidation and eliminating dark spots, the chicory fiber in burdock can promote our metabolic rate to increase and help lose weight.




護膚及減肥:牛蒡除了有抗氧化、 消除黑斑的作用外,美兆健康管理中心營養科的詹恩慈醫師也指出牛蒡裡的菊苣纖維可以促進我們代謝率上升,幫助減重。

No Preservative | No Artificial Coloring | Sulfur Free / 无防腐剂 | 无色素 | 无硫磺

Net Weight重量:150g  (每盒包装含150克)

Store in cool and dry place/ 存放于阴凉乾燥处